This site uses cookies, including from third parties, to improve the browsing experience and allow surfers to take advantage of our online services. This cookie policy must be read in conjunction with ours Privacy Policy which we invite you to consult for further information on what we do and what we do not do with your personal data.

Based on Provision of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data n. 231 of 10 June 2021 , it is not necessary to acquire the user's prior consent to store the technical cookies strictly necessary for the functioning of a website on his device. Instead, for all other types of cookies (Preferences, Statistics, Marketing) it is necessary to obtain the user's prior consent for their installation on his device.


Cookies are small text files sent from websites and stored on your computer, tablet, smartphone or other mobile device. They contain basic information on Internet browsing and thanks to the browser they are recognized every time the user visits the site. Cookies can also be first-party cookies if set by the site visited, or third-party and partner cookies if sent from a site other than the one visited.
They are divided into two macro-categories of cookies:

  1. the "technical" ones that are necessary for the correct functioning of the website and which are installed by default.
  2. those "of Preferences, Statistics or Marketing" which are useful but not necessary and which must be previously authorized by you.


This type of cookie allows certain sections of the site to function correctly. They are of two categories, persistent and session:

  • persistent : once the browser is closed they are not destroyed but remain up to a preset expiration date or until the user deletes them;
  • session : they are destroyed every time the browser is closed.

These cookies are necessary to view the site correctly and in relation to the technical services offered, will therefore always used and sent , unless the user changes the settings in his browser.

Focus on some activities for which technical cookies are used:

  • Activities strictly necessary for the functioning of the website
    These cookies are technical in nature and allow the site to function properly. For example, they keep the user connected while browsing, preventing the site from requiring you to log in several times to access the various pages or sections of the site.
  • Preference saving activity
    These cookies allow you to remember the preferences selected by the user while browsing, for example, they allow you to set the language.
  • Statistics and Audience Measurement Activities
    These cookies help us understand, through data collected in anonymous and aggregate form , how users interact with our website by providing us with information relating to the sections visited, the time spent on the site, any malfunctions. This helps us to improve the performance of our website.

B) PROFILING COOKIES (Preferences, Statistics, Marketing)
Profiling cookies are aimed at creating user profiles; they are normally used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while surfing the net.

A website can use third-party or partner cookies, both of the Technical and Profiling type (Preferences, Statistics, Marketing) . They can be installed for the correct functioning of the services they are providing over which the owner and/or manager of the website has no possibility of any control. For information on these third-party or partner cookies and on how to normally disable them, the links to the third-party or partner information are provided.


Cookie name: cookie_notice_accepted
Purpose: Stores the user's cookie consent status for the current domain.
Deadline: after 1 year
Part Three: No

Cookie name: wc_cart_created
Purpose: Technical cookie necessary for the functionality of the shopping cart on the website.
Expiration: when the browsing session ends
Third part: Nope

Cookie name: woocommerce_cart_hash | wc_cart_hash_#
Scope: Technical cookies necessary for the shopping cart functionality on the website to remember the chosen products – This also allows the site to promote related products to the visitor, based on the contents of the cart.
Expiration: when the browsing session ends
Third part: Nope

Cookie name: woocommerce_item
Purpose: Technical cookie necessary for the shopping cart functionality on the website to remember the chosen products – This also allows the website to promote related products to the visitor, based on the contents of the cart.
Expiration: when the browsing session ends
Third part: Nope

Name of the cookie: wc_fragments_#
Scope: Technical cookie necessary for the functionality of the shop on our website.
Expiration: when the browsing session ends
Third part: Nope

Name of the cookie: wp_woocommerce_session_#
Scope: Technical cookie necessary for the functionality of the shop on our website. Contains a unique code for each customer so they know where to find the cart data in the database.
Deadline: after 1 day
Third part: Nope

Cookie name: sc_f
Scope: Technical cookie necessary for the PayPal login function on the website.
Deadline: after 5 years
Third Party: Yes, PayPal ( )

Cookie name: [SessionID#27] Scope: Necessary technical cookie provided by Paypal. The cookie is used in the context of transactions on the website: the cookie is required for secure transactions.
Deadline: after 3 years
Part Three: Yes, PayPal ( )

Name of the cookie: enforce_policy
Scope: Technical cookie necessary for secure transactions. The cookie is used in the context of transactions on the website.
Deadline: after 1 year.
Part Three: Yes, PayPal ( )

Cookie name: l7_az
Scope: Technical cookie necessary for the PayPal login function on the website.
Deadline: after 1 day.
Part Three: Yes, PayPal ( )

Cookie name: ts_c
Scope: Technical cookie necessary to carry out a secure transaction via PayPal, used in the context of the PayPal payment function on the website.
Deadline: after 3 years
Part Three: Yes, PayPal ( )

Name of the cookie: ts
Scope: Technical cookie necessary to carry out a secure transaction via PayPal, used in the context of the PayPal payment function on the website.
Deadline: When the session ends
Part Three: Yes, PayPal ( )

Cookie name: __paypal_storage__
Scope: Necessary technical cookie used in the context of the PayPal payment function on the website. The cookie is necessary to carry out a secure transaction through PayPal.
Deadline: Until you clear it manually
Third Party: Yes, PayPal ( )


At any time it is possible to disable or delete the cookies present on your browser; we remind you that this option could limit many of the site's navigation features.

If you use any other browser, look in the browser settings for how to manage cookies.

To find out more about the management of cookies on the browser of mobile devices, consult the specific user manual. You can also find more information about cookies and how to manage them by consulting the site or by clicking on “Help” in the menu of your browser.

Also by accessing the page it is possible to inquire about behavioral advertising as well as deactivate or activate the companies listed and which work with website managers to collect and use information useful for the use of advertising.

last update: 15/11/2022 (surveyed by